Marco .Net |
.Net Framework 3.5 SP1 |
Perfil de cliente .NET Framework 2.0 |
.NET Framework 3.0 |
Perfil de cliente de .NET Framework 3.0 |
.NET Framework 3.5 |
Perfil de cliente de .NET Framework 3.5 |
Remote Connections |
Remote Desktop Connection |
Remote Desktop Protocol 7.0 |
Remote Desktop Host |
Application Support |
COM OLE Application Support |
COM+ Application Support |
Windows Application Compatibility |
Win32 Application Runtimes and Libraries |
Internet Services |
Navegador |
Internet Explorer 8.0 |
Navegador Internet Explorer 8 |
Motor y pantalla de Internet Explorer 8 |
Fundación Internet Explorer 8 |
Servicios de Información de Internet - IIS |
IIS 7.0 |
Servicio de activación de procesos de Windows |
Consumidores |
Aplicaciones de consumo |
AntiMalware |
Windows Defender |
Complementos |
Centro de movilidad |
Ventanas laterales |
Herramienta de recorte |
Notas adhesivas |
Diario de Windows |
Control parental |
Grupo Hogar |
Transmisión multimedia doméstica, incluido Play To |
Visor de fotos |
Windows Media Center |
Core OS |
CPU support |
32 bit support |
64 bit support |
Dispositivos e impresoras |
Marco de dispositivos |
Experiencia del usuario del dispositivo |
Marcos de controladores |
Fax y escáner |
Utilidades y gestión de impresión |
Impresión Location Aware |
Plataforma de sensores y localización |
System Services |
Advanced File System |
Core File System |
File and Folder Synchronization |
File Compression Utility |
Remote Client |
Simplified Message Block (SMB) |
Remote Procedure Call |
Windows Installer |
File Systems and Data Store |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Data Access and Storage |
Windows Data Access |
Windows Data Access Components |
Windows Data Access Components – SQL |
Data Integrity |
Shadow Copy Volume Interface |
Shadow Copy Volume Service |
Windows Side by Side |
Diagnostics |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Diagnostics |
Common Diagnostic Tools |
Performance Monitoring |
Problem Reports and Solutions |
User |
Funciones avanzadas para empresas |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Características de la empresa |
Ámbitos de búsqueda empresarial |
BranchCache |
DirectAccess |
Modo Windows XP |
Fonts |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Fonts |
Bitmap Fonts |
Japanese Fonts |
Japanese Supplemental Fonts |
Korean Fonts |
Korean Supplemental Fonts |
Middle East, South East and South Asian Fonts |
Middle East, South East and South Asian Supplemental Fonts |
Simplified Chinese Fonts |
Simplified Chinese Supplemental Fonts |
Traditional Chinese Fonts |
Traditional Chinese Supplemental Fonts |
TrueType Fonts |
Western Fonts |
Western Supplemental Fonts |
Graphics and Multimedia Technologies |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Graphics and Multimedia |
Dolby Digital Plus Codecs (license required) |
MPEG Layer-2 (MPEG2) Codecs (license required) |
MPEG Layer-3 (MP3) Codecs (license required) |
MPEG Layer-4 (MPEG4) Codecs (license required) |
Windows Media Video VC-1 (WMV) Codecs(license required) |
Audio and Video Engines and Media Foundation |
DirectX and Windows Device Experience |
Graphics Platform |
Image Mastering API V2 |
Media Player |
Windows Media Player 12 |
International |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
International |
IME Base Components |
IME Japanese Support |
IME Korean Support |
IME Simplified Chinese Support |
IME Traditional Chinese Support |
International Components and Language Services |
Language Pack Setup |
Multilingual User Interface Packs in same image |
Gestión de dispositivos |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Gestión |
Gestión de directivas de grupo |
Consola de administración de Microsoft (MMC) |
Gestión del sistema Herramientas administrativas |
Utilidades de gestión del sistema |
Instrumentación de gestión de Windows (WMI) |
Actualización de Windows |
Instalador independiente de Windows Update |
Interfaz de usuario de Windows Update |
Copia de seguridad y restauración |
Arranque directo desde VHD |
Unirse a un dominio |
Carpetas sin conexión |
Gestión de la energía |
Windows PowerShell 2.0 |
Communication Services and Networking |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Networking |
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) |
Internet Authentication Service |
Networking Base |
Networking Foundation |
Telnet Server |
Device Connectivity |
Bluetooth |
Domain Services |
Networking protocols |
IPv4 |
IPv6 |
Network Access Protection |
Network and Sharing Center |
Network Diagnostics |
Peer Networking |
Quality of Service |
Remote Access Service (RAS) |
Small Networking Services |
Telephony API Client |
Windows Firewall |
Wireless Networking |
Seguridad |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Seguridad |
Servicio de itinerancia de credenciales |
Gestión de credenciales y certificados |
Administrador de autorizaciones de Windows (AZMAN) |
Centro de seguridad de Windows |
Gestión de derechos de Active Directory |
Base de seguridad |
Gestión del módulo de plataforma segura (TPM) |
Inicio seguro de Bitlocker |
Sistema de archivos cifrados (EFS) |
Applocker |
Bitlocker |
Bitlocker-to-go |
Herramientas |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Caja de herramientas |
Image Configuration Editor (ICE) |
Image Based Wizard (IBW) |
Shell e interfaz de usuario |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Interfaz de usuario |
Help |
Embedded Core Help Content |
Help and Support Engine |
Remote Assistance |
Speech |
Speech and Text |
Speech Chinese Simplified |
Speech Chinese Traditional |
Speech French |
Speech German |
Speech Japanese |
Speech Spanish |
Speech UK English |
Speech US English |
Accessories |
Application User Experience |
Shell |
Shell Controls and UI Support Functions |
Command Prompt Shell with Custom Shell Support |
Shell Foundation |
Windows Explorer Shell |
Windows Explorer Shell Resources |
System Control Panel |
Accessibility |
Action Center |
Windows Aero – User Interface with Glass |
Aero Background |
Windows Flip |
Windows Flip 3D |
Live Taskbar Thumbnails |
Multiple Monitor Support |
Natural Language 6 |
Search Indexing |
Text Services Framework |
User Account Control |
Windows Mobility Center |
Windows Search |
Windows Taskbar & Jump Lists |
Soporte para Tablet PC |
Windows táctil |
Embedded Características |
WES7E/ |
WES7P/ |
Embedded Características |
Arrancar desde una memoria USB |
Cuadro de diálogo Filtro |
Tecnología de filtro de escritura |
Filtro de escritura mejorado |
Filtro de escritura basado en archivos (FBWF) |
Hibernar una vez Reanudar muchas (HORM-EEF) |
Personalización |
Ocultar pantallas de arranque |
Imágenes de fondo de escritorio de inicio de sesión personalizadas |
Soporte de shell personalizado (EEF) |
Buzón de mensajes Respuesta por defecto |
Supresión de notificaciones y ventanas emergentes (EEF) |
Experiencia de marca OEM (EEF) |
Controlador de disco RAM |
Filtro de registro |
WSDAPI para .NET |