Driver Extractor is a tool which makes creating SLD components for drivers very eas
image (1)y.
All you need to do is to run the tool on the target machine with XP, Vista or Windows 7 and all device drivers installed.
Then you just need to select the devices for which the drivers should be exported into an SLD file and click export.
Driver Extractor will then copy all the needed files and creates a component for XPe/WES with Repository for you.
After importing the component to the database you can easily create your image.


  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
  • Windows Operating system with all needed device drivers installed
  • WMI Support (if running on an embedded OS)
  • Windows must be installed on C:\Windows in the current version

How To Use

  1. Run DriverExtractor.exe on the target device. The Windows version should be XP as the exported drivers are taken from the current installation. If you use Vista it will take Vista driver which might not work under XP!
  2. Check the devices for which you want to export the drivers.
  3. Click Actions / Export Selected.
  4. Choose an output directory. The tool will create a separate folder for each component named by the devices name.
  5. Import the component (located in the output directory\Devicename\sld directory) into the Database by using the Component Database Manager
    image4 image5image6
  6. Add the component to your configuration



File / End Ends the program
Actions / Export Selected Exports the drivers for the selected devices
Actions / Select All Selects all devices
Actions / Deselect All Deselects all devices
Actions / Refresh Refreshes the device list
View / Files of selected device
Contextmenu / Show Driver Files
Shows the needed driver files for the current selected device
View / Properties
Contextmenu / Properties
Opens the Windows properties for the current selected device
? / About Displays information about the tool


image8 Refreshes the device list

image9 Shows the needed driver files for the current selected device

image10 Exports the drivers for the selected devices

image11 Opens the Windows properties for the current selected device