june, 2017
Event Details
Event details On the event we will show you embedded versions of Windows 10, the special installation and the customization opportunities which you can find in each Windows Embedded operating
Event Details
Event details
On the event we will show you embedded versions of Windows 10, the special installation and the customization opportunities which you can find in each Windows Embedded operating system.
We recommend this seminar for software developers and technical decision makers. We will introduce the newest features of Windows Embedded operating systems. Windows Embedded 10 contains all Windows 10 desktop functions, furthermore it contains several features which you can use to make your dedicated device more secure, faster and flexible.
We will also introduce the new Elbacom Embedded Toolkit which is a combination of many useful tools that speed up your Windows Embedded development process. The tools support you through the installation process, helps to you create a master image and deploying the images to the new targets. It also allows you to easily modify existing images and to create a recovery media.
The Seminar is free but registration is required. To reserve your place please register here.
(Tuesday) 09:00 - 13:00
Microsoft Bulgaria
София, бул Никола Вапцаров 55, ЕКСПО 2000, сграда фаза 3, ет. 7, Зала Пловдив
Microsoft BulgariaСофия, бул Никола Вапцаров 55, ЕКСПО 2000, сграда фаза 3, ет. 7, Зала Пловдив
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